Friday, October 13, 2023

Canadian amateur kickboxing has been supported by volunteers in various capacities. From coaches to event coordinators, individuals from all walks of life have taken their time and skills, and dedicated them to the sport they consider their passion.

One group of individuals have been the foundation without which the sport could not operate. These are the judges, referees and other officials that run all competitive events. CASK has over 55 certified officials across Canada. The CASK system trains and certifies officials in three levels: Judges (Level I), Referees (Level II), and Chief Officials (Level III). The certification process is an involved process of course work and examinations.

Two of Ontario's officials were in the forefront of the CASK Officials Certification Program (OCP) when it was first piloted in 2003. Even before this time, they were actively involved in officiating events in Canada and internationally. Since becoming part of the new certification system - they continued to be involved in the organization and sanctioned events.

Stephen Nash (Mississauga) began his involvement in amateur kickboxing many years ago as a supportive parent of his son. John Nash had switched from sport karate to kickboxing and his father assisted him in finding suitable training and coaching. Since that period of time, John Nash has won many titles including the IKF North American Junior Champion. Stephen Nash continued in his role as a supportive parent, however also became involved in other areas that required volunteer support. His experience in amateur kickboxing grew and he was asked to be the Administrative Director for the 2001 National team that traveled to Greece for the World Championships.

As his perspective on the sport evolved, Stephen requested involvement in the officiating role. There was no stopping him at that point. His role has included officiating events, refereeing bouts and even judging professional events. His calm demeanor has become his trademark as he carries out his roles in a quiet but firm manner. He is also known to ensure that every detail is addressed with care. He has become a valuable asset to CASK and to the sport across Canada.

Vic Provost (Ottawa) began his involvement with amateur kickboxing as a student at the NOMAD Kickboxing Club in Ottawa. He joined the club with his 12 year old daughter Sam to spend time with her and to also enjoy the fitness program. The kickboxing bug hit him hard and he found himself enjoying sparring with the 'young-bucks.' As he continued his training, he became a competitor in the veterans division in domestic events. But he desired more challenging competition. He traveled and competed in two international tournaments - in Greece and South Africa, as well as more local events in Ontario. Each competitive event was a personal test for Vic who thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of training for a competition.

With an active business and two busy teenage daughters, the competitive side of the sport began to be too demanding on his time. However he has continued to be involved as an active judge and referee at as many events as he can support. His amiable personality and understanding of the rules and regulations have made him a sought out official across Canada.

CASK is fortunate to have a number of senior officials that have supported national teams, and domestic events for many years. Senior official Steve McVicar has attended numerous international events as a representative of CASK and officiated events in both the USA and Canada. Other officials Amanda Woerhle, Donna Johnson, Bruce Hamilton, Duncan Macloud, Steve Quan, and Ben Maguire has also taken leadership with our growing national organization. The future looks bright with our solid foundation of dedicated and professional officials.


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